February 2011

Never ignore your poetry blog .
It knows where you sleep.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Scratch Ticket Baby

5 $1 1.00 for scratch
tickets give it a chance
How much money should be
invested to uncertainty?
4 chances a day - minus gas money
Blows luck through her lips with
her breath.
4 matching numbers 5, 9, 11, 7
If Probability were dependable
It would bot be psychiatry's math
Slippery 7's sing a chance.
A $1 1.oo more gets me a closer
what Signs are born from
Breaking Even?
Lucky 7 is a Mistress of the Muses
Laughing behind the numbers at a
fool's chance
Slippery 7s, mommy millionaire's
give birth without hesitation
You pay for what you play for
Breaking Even, Breaking Mind.

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