February 2011

Never ignore your poetry blog .
It knows where you sleep.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

sophomore slump

Sophomore Slump
By Diana Lee LaBrecque

Maybe its because I am a romantic at heart
Hidden by a dark cloak of cynic bad dreams.

Maybe its because my mother is right and
All I need is a boyfriend…or maybe a job.

Maybe its because for some reason it’s still winter
And the groundhog likes to mess
With the seasonal depression in all of us.

Maybe all of a sudden everything feels like its
Too much to handle
Maybe all of a sudden everything feels like its
Not enough to fully hold.

Maybe I could just blame that boy that said he’d write.
Maybe I could just blame that bad mix of antidepressants.
Maybe I could just blame that lack of attention as a child.

But I’ve played those games before and
I’m still left with questions given as answers.

And that sudden rush of panicked emptiness
That needs to be filled with anything but lonely regret

Maybe its that damn fear that I’ll wake up tomorrow and
Want to be anything else than what I am trying
To be for the rest of my life

Maybe its that damn fear
that I should have woken up yesterday.
To shake myself from this slump


Diana said...


i think there needs to be something in between the stanzas 'and that sudden rush of...' and 'maybe its that damn fear...'

so. whadya think?

trudatman said...

I think it is pretty darn good as it is. Depressing, barely hopeful, but, overall, quite nice.